Here at Team Educate we are specialist in providing support for those with Special Educational Needs and / or Disability. We work alongside both mainstream and special schools providing help, support, guidance and training in a variety of different ways. The SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 can be seen here and was introduced from September 2014 (updated January 2015) and outlines 4 key areas of SEND:
Every child in the UK is entitled to a full education no mater of disability or learning impairment and it is our responsibility as education providers, to provide an inclusive education for all. Around 50% of children with an EHCP plan are educated in mainstream education with the remaining 50% educated in a specialist setting. The Education Act of 1996 states that every Local Area Authority must provide a suitable education for children of school age who cannon attend mainstream schools in the area.There are a number of different types of special schools throughout the UK which are in place to support the special if needs of the children. Examples of these schools are:
Children and young learners can suffer from; Autism, Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) as well possibly having Behavioural and Emotional Difficulties, physical and sensory difficulties, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and medical issues that may require daily supervision from a trained adult. They may also not be as mobile and require wheelchairs, lifts, hoists and may also require sign language, listening devices and aids to enable to them achieve education that they are entitled too.
What are we doing as an agency?
Finding the right candidate for each specific child has never been so important. It is fundamental that when placing a candidate with children who may have a disability or learning impairment, we get it right first time! It can be detrimental to a child if a person with inadequate training or experience is placed with a young leaner and this is something, we refuse to get wrong.
What can we offer when it comes to SEND?
We offer in house training and run courses for behaviour management, safeguarding and well-being for children and also Team Teach. Here at Team Educate we have an inhouse Team Teach trainer and run courses throughout the year for our staff. We can provide expert knowledge and advice when it comes to working and catering for children with a disability. Whether this is supporting a child with cognitive and learning, communication and interaction, sensory and physical needs or social and emotional health (SEMH), we have an outstanding pool of experienced candidates ready to be placed in roles.

Team Teach
At Team Educate we do in house Team Teach training. This is positive behaviour management and how to deal with challenging behaviour. It is suitable for individuals’ supporting children and young people in low-risk educational settings. The learning aim is motivated by the aim of keeping those in our care safe, as well as those around them. We will deliver a toolkit approach that is 95% understanding behaviours and encouraging de-escalation. The other 5% assesses the need for physical intervention in conjunction with a needs analysis.
Understanding what to do when a child is in crisis is extremely beneficial for you and will is a unique skill set that sets you apart from other teachers/teaching assistants. So, we are looking forward to teaching you and you becoming qualified.
Learning OutcomesParticipants will learn how to:

Increase understanding and awareness of behaviour as communication and develop a framework to better respond to reduce risk.

Develop a greater team dynamic in supporting individuals who are distressed with approaches that have impact and strengthen relationships.

Utilise a toolkit of holistic strategies on de-escalation and crisis intervention, both verbal and non-verbal for supporting with disruptive and distressed behaviours

Execute simple and safe positive handling techniques including personal safety, appropriate for a low-risk environment. Our techniques are situated within a respectful, supportive approach to behaviour support strategies which maintains positive relationships.
Team Teach Objectives:

To plan for and support children and people who exhibit dysregulated/crisis behaviour.

To map crisis behaviour and use a range of skills to manage, de-escalte and intervene – including physical intervention, keeping everyone safe.

To consider how crisis intervention fits into a holistic approach to securing progress for children and young people

To identity social, cultural and legal principles impacting on “positive handling” in schools.
How can Team Teach training help us to make a difference?

Seeing beyond “restrain”, sharing the benefits of empowering all staff to identify what is and is not acceptable physical management of people.

Improved teamwork and communication skills; (“help is available?”)

Stronger professional security around managing anxious and vulnerable young people;

Supporting the employer’s duty of care to staff the staff and the young people in the school – by equipment staff with a range of tools to reduce and respond to risk.
How can I become Team Teach trained?
We run courses frequently which is accessible to all of our candidates. We can provide you with a Level 1 and Level 2 Team Teach qualification which is run over 1 – 2 days and consist of 6 or 12 hour training.
If this is of interest to you, please contact our Team Teach Trainers Harvey and Evie or contact for more information about our next course and how to sign up and book onto our next course.